A New Chapter in Fight Against Pipeline

Link to original story: http://www.thegazette.com/subject/opinion/guest-columnists/a-new-chapter-in-fight-against-pipeline-20160810 Coverage by The Gazette, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, August 10, 2016   In every fight against injustice, there comes a point when men and women of conscience must defy laws allowing that injustice to persist. In the protracted fight to stop the Bakken pipeline, we have arrived at that point. Over the past two years landowners, farmers, tribes and environmentalists have done everything possible to stop the pipeline. We have pursued legal and legislative channels at great cost of time and money. Continue reading →

Iowa Regulators Approve Bakken Oil Pipeline Construction

Link to original story: http://whotv.com/2016/06/06/iowa-regulators-approve-bakken-oil-pipeline-construction/ Coverage by WHO TV, Des Moines, Iowa, June 6, 2016: DES MOINES, Iowa — Officials have given the green light for construction to begin on the Bakken oil pipeline through Iowa. The Iowa Utility Board votes 2-1 to approve Dakota Access to begin construction on the pipeline in approved areas. @WHOhd — Stephanie Moore (@StephMooreWHOHD) June 6, 2016 The Iowa Utilities Board initially voted in March to approve the pipeline but said all necessary paperwork needed to be turned in before Continue reading →

Bold Iowa, Iowa 350 Deliver Petition Urging Iowa Atty. General Tom Miller to Investigate Exxon’s Climate Fraud

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 10:00 a.m. CT, May 24, 2016 Contact: Ed Fallon, Bold Iowa director, (515) 238-6404 or [email protected]   Petition signers to Miller: Investigate Exxon Des Moines, IA — On Wednesday, May 25, Bold Iowa and Iowa 350 will deliver petitions signed by over 1,000 Iowans to Iowa Attorney General Tom Miller, encouraging him to look into allegations that Exxon lied about climate change, thus violating the public trust. According to a report by InsideClimate News, Exxon worked “at the forefront of climate denial. It put its muscle behind Continue reading →

Stop the Bakken Pipeline & the Abuse of Eminent Domain

American landowners face serious risks with eminent domain for private gain, beyond the obvious loss of property rights. If a permitting agency like FERC or the State Department rejects a pipeline, exactly like what happened with Keystone XL, the pipeline company still owns the landowners’ property it took through eminent domain. Pipeline companies whose permit was rejected by FERC or the State Dept. can still turn around and sell the easements to any company they wish, and the landowner has no say in the land Continue reading →

Bold Iowa Greets Oceti Sakowin #NoDAPL Youth Relay Runners at Army Corps Offices in Omaha

Bold Iowa joined Bold Nebraska in Omaha on May 3, 2016 to greet the Oceti Sakowin Youth & Allies when they stopped at the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers HQ while on their 2,000-mile relay run from N.D. to D.C. to urge Pres. Obama and the Army Corps to reject permits and stop the Dakota Access pipeline. WATCH: Bold Iowa director Ed Fallon speaks to the crowd at the rally outside the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers offices in Omaha, NE. https://youtu.be/nHaIy4Y8Gr0

Fairness in Solar Energy Production & Distribution

BACKGROUND Iowa is the leading state in the nation in wind energy production, and will soon see 40% of its electricity generated by wind power. But we have a long way to go with solar energy. Now is the time for bold leadership to move solar forward, while ensuring that homeowners, small businesses and entrepreneurs are treated fairly and have a place at the table when it comes to policy decisions affecting the expansion of clean solar and energy in Iowa. Billionaire Warren Buffett’s MidAmerican Continue reading →