IUB: Submit a comment or objection

Step 1: Go to the IUB’s website.
Step 2: Where it says “Quick Links,” click on “File a comment or objections in an open docket.”
Step 3: Scroll down and fill-in the detail where it says “Consumer information.”
Step 4: Under “List of IUB dockets,” “HLP-2021-0001” for Summit, “HLP-2021-0003” for Navigator.
Step 5: Make your comments in the space provided.
Step 6: Answer the Captcha question and hit “Submit.”

Bold Iowa is opposed to the use of eminent domain to build privately-owned pipelines transporting carbon dioxide across Iowa. Two proposals are under consideration: The Summit Carbon Solutions pipeline and the Navigator pipeline.

We’re concerned about these proposals not only because of the likely misuse of eminent domain, but for other reasons as well:

— Risk of a pipeline rupture
— Impact on the climate emergency
— Damage to soil, tile, and other landowner and public infrastructure
— Probable use of CO2 for extracting oil in North Dakota and Illinois

That’s the short list of concerns. Stay abreast of what’s happening on this website.