DAPL roller coaster

Hello Bold Iowans, We have an important question for you (scroll down.) But first, there are two big pieces of news to share — one good, one bad. Earlier this week, there was much excitement over a federal judge’s decision to grant the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe’s request to strike down the Dakota Access Pipeline’s (DAPL) federal permits. The judge ruled that the Army Corps of Engineers must complete a full Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). Hopefully, the judge’s next action will be to shut down the Continue reading →

Belt Magazine: #NoDAPL Fights on in Illinois

Bold Iowa is mentioned in this article by Amelia Diehl on the growing opposition to expanding DAPL: “Ed Fallon, an organizer with Bold Iowa, doesn’t think it’s a guaranteed rubber stamp; IUB didn’t consider climate change when the pipeline was first approved, but this will be central to the argument to fight the increased capacity. The pipeline was a ‘wake up call for people,’ Fallon said, ‘who have never seen anything like this before.'” #NoDAPL Fights On in Illinois

Who’s the worst presidential candidate on climate?

That's easy: Sen. Amy Klobuchar. Climate activists also have reservations about Joe Biden and Pete Buttigieg, but hands-down, Klobuchar is the worst. She claims to want to address climate change, but emphatically supports the continued build-out of fossil fuel infrastructure. Sorry, Senator. You can't be pro-fracking and pro-pipeline and say you're going to address the climate crisis. Since the corporate media have ignored Klobuchar's track record, it's up to us to get the word out. November 7, Johnston. Kathy Byrnes asks Klobuchar about her stand on DAPL and Line 3. Klobuchar again dodges the DAPL question, making some vague reference to Standing Rock. Regarding Line 3, she speaks about “calling for it to be delayed so that there’s an environmental review,” even as her track record and other public statements have made it clear to Minnesotans that she would never buck Big Oil's interests.

Proof that we’re making a difference

In the fight to save all that we know and love from climate chaos, it sometimes may seem like we're spinning our wheels. Yet every once in awhile, Energy Transfer, the corporation behind the Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL), will let slip a truth that lets us know we truly are making a difference.

Steyer, COP25, and DAPL

Regardless of who you're supporting for president, check out my interview with Tom Steyer. It's encouraging that Steyer's top priority is climate change and that he's had a strong track record over the past decade working to mobilize Americans to take action. My second guest on this week's program is Thomas Linzey with the Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund. More and more cities are passing local ordinances protecting their communities and natural resources against polluters. But what happened in Florida recently is the first time a political party has adopted a resolution protecting the "rights of nature."

Letters needed to stop pipeline expansion

CALLING ALL PIPELINE OPPONENTS! WRITE TO THE IUB! We need as many pipeline opponents as possible to write to the Iowa Utilities Board (IUB) and ask the board to stand strong against the aggressive tactics of Dakota Access. The pipeline company has been pushing officials in Iowa, Illinois, South Dakota, and North Dakota to double the amount of oil flowing through the Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL). We can and must stop them. CLICK HERE FOR INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW TO SEND A LETTER TO THE IUB. You’ll Continue reading →

Presidential candidates speak out about DAPL

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Monday, November 18, 2019, 9:00 a.m. CT Contact: Ed Fallon at (515) 238-6404 or [email protected] Website: www.boldiowa.com Presidential candidates speak out about DAPL Most Democratic candidates for president oppose doubling the oil through the Dakota Access Pipeline — but not Biden, Bloomberg, and Klobuchar. DES MOINES, IOWA — Over the past three months, Bold Iowa’s Climate Bird Dogs have asked all the major Democratic presidential candidates to say where they stand on Energy Transfer’s proposal to double the flow of oil through the Dakota Continue reading →

Presidential candidates on DAPL

To their credit, ten out of seventeen candidates are against increasing the flow of oil to 1.1 million barrels per day. Yet, we've been surprised and disheartened that the media have almost completely ignored this new threat. With the candidates are speaking out, perhaps that will change. ... Biden says he's against pipelines. Immediately after that, he says he wants to replace existing pipelines, which would lock in further greenhouse gas emissions.