Tag Archives: Iowa Democratic Party

Where steak, penguins and the grim reaper meet

Dear Friends, FIRST … On Friday, September 27,  at 11:00 a.m. at The Federal Plaza, 219 S. Dearborn St. in Chicago, Dakota Access Pipeline opponents will hold a rally and march to demand that Illinois Governor Jay Pritzer declare a climate emergency and halt doubling the capacity of the pipeline. Some of Iowa’s water protectors are hoping to join our friends in Illinois. SECOND … We witnessed an historic groundswell of climate-strike actions last Friday, garnering attention across Iowa and around the world. Des Moines: Here’s Continue reading →

Climate Refugee Penguins Cut Down by Fossil Fuel Reaper

With the recent collapse of the second largest Emperor Penguin colony, Bold Iowa’s Climate Refugee Penguins greeted presidential candidates at the entrance to the Polk County Steak Fry with a poignant message about the tragedy of extinction in the New Climate Era. Penguins danced to R.E.M.’s “It’s the End of the World as We Know It” as the Fossil Fuel Reaper cut them down one by one with his sickle. The Reaper then began to take out humans, with the message that climate change threatens all of us with extinction.